søndag 26. november 2023

Jupiter rollin'

 Last night, the skies finally cleared without the risk of sudden snow. So I decided to whip out my Klevtson and pull a timelapse of Jupiter. According to the stats, the GRS would transit during the timelapse. And there it was. Unfortunately, some clouds, both thin and thick, passed in front of Jupiter. So the processing was a bit distorted. And thats why the timelapse looks like it is "blinking" at times. But all in all, I am satisfied with the result. The timelapse is taken over the course of about 2.5 hours.

Tech details : 200mm Klevtsov-Cass, ASI678MC camera at 200 gain and 4ms exposures. Approx 100 30 second movies. Stacked the best 50% of the images. Stacked in AS!3. Wavelet and rgb balance in Registax. Animation in PIPP.

lørdag 10. juni 2023

Fiery sun June 9th

 Yesterday, the "boring" prominences from the day before suddenly blossomed and became quite active. Sputtering plasma around. Unfortunately, some clouds rolled in, so I had to cut it short. But later in the afternoon, I started filming an area around a sunspot. And I am glad I did. It flared up at the end of my run. The Sun was getting low, so there was a lot of turbulence. But it is still acceptable quality.

torsdag 8. juni 2023

Lots of prominences on june 8th

 When I checked the Gong network today, it was obvious something was going on all around. So I couldn't decide which prominence to film. And I decided to go wideangle. After the filming, it was obvious that the newcomer, although bright and powerful, didn't have much in the order of dynamics. So I should probably have just stayed with the one from yesterday. But here is the both of them.

I also added one photo to show the size compared to the Earth. Earth is shown in the little image on the sun. Click on the image to zoom in.


onsdag 7. juni 2023

Prominence June 7th

 Whispy prominence on the Sun. A continuation from yesterday.

Tech det : 5" H-alpha telescope, ASI174MM camera, gain 275, 6ms exposure, 1000 images per 20 second for 2 hours. Stacked in AS!3 (best 25%), sharpened and aligned in imPPG. Animated in PIPP.

tirsdag 6. juni 2023

Whispy prominence

 The universe sometimes conspires against me. Today, I found a beautiful prominence shooting in all directions. But wouldn't you know. The only place the clouds decided to pop up today, was in front of the sun. ll the way to the horizon, the skies were, more or less, clear. But there was a strip of clouds passing in front of the sun. But I did manage to get something from the movement. In two timelapses. The first one had a lot of "holes" in it due to the clouds popping in and out of view. But I did get some of the action. The second was more continous. Enjoy!

mandag 5. juni 2023

Bubbly surface

 Yesterday and today, I did some timelapses of the surface of the Sun. I just love my 5 inch telescope. Showing so much detail of what is happening on the surface. 

The first is a prominence that I thought would amont to something, but didn't. It was flapping a bit, but nothing big. Today, after work, I managed to take a short timelapse before the Sun dropped too low. And I got to see a little spurting on the surface an the edge.

The data is the same for both except the gain is 275 and exposure 6 ms for the prominence, and 175 and 5ms for the surface video.

fredag 12. mai 2023

Solar blast!

 Today, I was lucky enough to catch a big blast from one of the sunspots that have travelled all the way to the other edge of the Sun. I made 1 video per minute for 2 hours. The blast came in the middle of my timelapse. And the following is the result. Click on the animation for a bigger version. Enjoy!

Tech details : 5" homemade h-alpha telescope, ASI174MM camera gain 175, 5ms exposure, 16 bit resolution. Stacked in Autostakkert, sharpened and aligned in imPPG, animated in PIPP.

søndag 7. mai 2023

Solar activity

 The solar activity is definitely picking up. The past few days has been clear, so I have been able to make some timelapses of a group of sunspots. The first day wasn't very active, but today, there was a lot more flares and prominences flashing. I also made a mosaic of the whole surface of the Sun. This was made up of 9 images. Click on the animation or the image to see full size.

Tech details timelapse: 5" homemade H-alpha telescope, ASI174MM camera, gain 175, 5ms, 8bit. 1000 frames per video, 1 video per minute for 180 minutes (3 hours). Stacked in Autostakkert (best 25% used), sharpened and aligned in imPPG and animated in PIPP.

Tech details full image : same equipment, but gain 215, 3ms exp, 16bit. 1000 frames (best 25% used). Stitched in Image Composer Editor (Microsoft).