torsdag 19. september 2024

Double the stack, double the fun!

 Not quite finished yet, but I have converted my h alpha scope to double stacking. It definitely needs some tuning of the filters to work properly. And probably something else too. But it definitely looks promising, as the following 2 hour timelapse shows. Click on the GIF to view larger and more detailed. Enjoy!

lørdag 7. september 2024

Sunspot september 6th

 Clear skies = sun timelapse. Same gear as always. But slightly different processing and sharpening. The result was better than usual me thinks.

søndag 11. august 2024

Loopy loop

I found  loop on the limb of the sun. I took 90 minutes of timelapse videos with my usual gear. It turned out to be nice! Enjoy!

lørdag 3. august 2024

Solar activity

 Long time since I have done anything here. But yesterday, I managed to film some very nice prominences. One was a giant loop that flung out of the surface of the Sun. And on the other side of the Sun, I found a "waterfall" prominence. I shot all of this with my homemade 5" h-alpha telescope. Using a ASI178MM camera. I used gain 350 and 10ms exposures for the prominences, and gain 200 and 7ms exposures for the surface. Stabilization was a bit tricky, but with a combination of imPPG and PIPP, I managed to get them semi-stable. All timelapses covers about 1 hour. I did them longer, but guiding failed midway, so they started "wandering", cutting the timelapses short.