søndag 17. november 2013

Love(joy) is in the air

On the 17'th, I and an couple of friends headed up into the hills north of Oslo to see ISON and Lovejoy. And to try to photograph them. Lovejoy was a joy (no pun intended) to both watch and shoot. It was bright and with a lovely long tail. I have estimated the tail to be more than 2 degrees long. It certainly filled the view of my camera. Below is a 59 minute exposure of Lovejoy. I did take 60 minutes, but due to strong winds, two 30-second exposures had to be dropped. Thats why the two glitches in the startrails.
Technical info : Pentax K5, ISO 800, 118x30 sec exposure, Teleskop-Service 80mm/6 triplet APO. Sky-Watcher EQ3 Pro Synscan. Flats using homemade flat-box, darks. (Actually, there was no point in darks since Pentax K5 is practically noiseless. The darks were... well... dark. Even stretching them to the max revealed nothing. Just black.) Stacked in DSS, processed in PS. Final gamma in Irfanview.
EDIT : Fixed the colors.

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