mandag 5. mai 2014

M82 - "The Cigar"

M82 is part of a galaxy pair in Ursa Major. It is about 12 million lightyears away. It doesn't have the usual shape that we are used to see for galaxies. And there seems to be strings of gas flowing out from the galaxy. It is therefore called an "irregular galaxy". On January 24th, a supernova was detected in this galaxy. I took a photo of the galaxy a week before. But due to terrible weather in the weeks to follow, it took a long time before I was able to see it in an image myself. I decided to take a longer exposure of the galaxy using a remote telescope.
Tech details : 20" F/6.8, FLI PL09000, 3x3 binning. Exposure : Luminance 20 min, R, G & B : 5 min 20 sec each. Stacked in DSS, processed in PS.

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