torsdag 10. oktober 2013

First light with TPO Ritchey Chretien

Despite the fact that I got my new "cloud-attractor" on Tuesday, The skies were clear today. So I got the chance to test my new scope. There were some thin clouds that passed every now and then. But I got some inital testing done. Short exposures of M57, the Ring Nebula and M27, the Dumbell Nebula showed promising future for astrophoto with this new scope. More to come in the future. Thats for sure!

Technical details for both images :
Pentax K5, ISO 1600, TPO 6" F/9 RC astrograph. Williams Optics field flattener. Celestron AVX mount. Unguided. Stacked in DSS, simple stretching and color adjustment in PS.

M57 : 35x20 second exposure

M27 : 43x20 second exposure

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